Over Ons
Maritime Projects is uw onafhankelijke projectmanager binnen de maritieme industrie. Door expertises binnen ons netwerk te bundelen, werken wij sterker en slimmer. Zo besparen we samen tijd en kosten. Ons gedreven team heeft ruime ervaring binnen de (Nederlandse) maritieme wereld en gaat altijd voor optimaal resultaat. Kwaliteit zit in ons DNA.
Erik van Prooijen
Erik is one of the three Managing Partners of Maritime Projects in the Netherlands, offering Independent Project Development within the Maritime Industry. Our core value is that we will always go the extra mile to ensure that our client gets exactly what was envisioned.
We are experienced in and have particular knowledge about all technical aspects of a vessel. Naval architecture, construction, systems, electrics, interior, HVAC, paint, we have our specialists in all these disciplines.
Louwerens Hoving
Louwerens is a highly experienced marine engineer / project manager / boat builder, having gathered experience at different levels of several organisations and in different branches (from client to subcontractor).
Starting his career at sea for 5 years on commercial vessels (cruise), he developed a love for engineering and boatbuilding during 2 new-builds of cruise vessels in Italy.
Louwerens can be of many services in many different areas, always with a strong focus on finishing the job in budget and in time. Boatbuilding is his professional life. Linkedin
With our team of around 15 valued and skilled employees, flex workers and a wide network within the maritime industry we deliver you the flexibility that is nowadays required to perform and deliver.